On the corner of Balph and Teece Avenues, just below the flag pole, is the Doughboy.
Doughboy was a popular nickname for American infantry men in World War I–the first time the U. S. sent forces abroad to fight on foreign soil. The origin of the name is unclear, however, the exhausted European forces on the Western Front welcomed the Americans with great enthusiasm. As a symbolic embodiment of heroism, virtue, honor, and patriotism the sculpture by Giuseppe Moretti, a Pittsburgh sculptor, depicts a Doughboy in full military dress with belt, kit, canteen, and helmet.

The soldier’s foot is poised upon an anvil, while high in his right hand he holds aloft the symbol for which he fought, a winged figure representing liberty. The base features a list of the names of the local soldiers who served.
On November 11, 2000, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sokol contributed $10,000 to refurbish the World War I Memorial as part of the annual Veteran’s Day ceremony. Participating in the ceremony were Mayor Paul Cusick, VFW Post #2454 Commander Michael Benquista, the Sokols, North Boroughs American Legion Post Chaplain Norm Sloan and Commander Robert Saracco, Bellevue Council member James Scisiciani, a representative of the Knights of Columbus, State Representative Fred Trello and State Senator Jack Wagner
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