
Frequently Asked Questions

Will people still return their items?

Other libraries and systems that have gone fine free have not seen a significant change in the rate of returned items.  95% of items checked out are still being returned within a few days of the due date. 

Won’t people just keep their items?

Even though fines are waived, materials will still have a due date and must still be returned. All library materials not returned to the library will be subject to a replacement cost. Notices will still be sent reminding patrons of their due dates. 

Doesn’t the Library need the money?

Traditionally, fine revenue is not a steady source of income. Fine revenue at Bayne Library has decreased by almost 50% in the last five years, partially due to increased usage of eResources.  A small increase in state funding makes up for the loss in fine revenue at Bayne Library. 

Do I still owe my old fines?

The Library will waive any fines that remain unpaid as of 1/1/2020. This will not include items that are lost or billed. Replacement fees must still be paid.

Can I be reimbursed for fines I already paid?

Previously paid fines will not be reimbursed, however outstanding fines will be waived (except for lost/replacement items)